Tuesday, June 16, 2015

"Happiness is the object and design of our existence." - Joseph Smith

Hello Hello! We had Zone Development yesterday which is why I'm writing on Tuesday. I did a round-off tuck on the grass which I haven't done in agesssss. But I'm happy I can still whip something out. My body isn't that happy though..probably because I did a handstand on a slackline too... Welp. Pain is weakness leaving the body! Hoorah!

In other news.

We had a lesson with an Ishaya monk. She is very committed to her vows and told us all about 3 states of consciousness and other things I don't quite remember. She was really a lovely person and it's always interesting to me to listen to other's beliefs.

We also met this dear old woman named Mrs. Haggart. I feel that she should be (maybe she already is) in a book of some sort. We stopped her on the street and had a fabulous chat. And then, she tried to set us up with her grandsons...guess how old they are?

One is 18 and then 16 year old twins.

I got dibbs on the 18 year old since I'm the oldest. Sorry Sister Wilkinson and Sister Jackson.

hahaha she was great though and we politely laughed and looked uncomfortable when she talked about them so we think she got the hint.

I love Joseph Smith's experience. Boyd K. Packer says that we read his account too seldom and I'd have to agree. I've been reading in Joseph Smith History and I am amazed at this man and the persecution he dealt with from the age of 14. FOURTEEN.
He mentions how these men in high esteem publicly persecuted him (among many other things) and got others to join...to ridicule a BOY.

Read his account. Read the Book of Mormon. And then TELL ME that he made it all up.
 ''No evil man could write such a book as this.  And no good man would.  Unless it were true, and he were commanded of God to do so.'' -Elder Holland

I can not deny my witness from the Spirit on this. Joseph Smith couldn't either because.it .happened.

Sister Skagen

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