Monday, March 9, 2015

And I'm headed to......9 March 2015

I'm gonna make you wait to know my moves call and tell you about my week first.

Okay so we had a miracle story! On Wednesday we took the train to Moira (don't worry, we didn't walk again hahahah) and on our way to our dinner appointment we met Wes.

Basically Wes is golden. g.o.l.d.e.n.
While at home he had been contemplating the idea of something, a higher power, being out there when he noticed his dog needed to go out for a walk. That's where we met him. We later learned that we had specifically mentioned the words "higher power" while talking with him and he didn't think that could be a coincidence so that's why he agreed to meet with us.
He is who we've been working so hard for! I am just gutted to leave Lisburn because we finally have someone solid and someone we can actually teach.

Yes. I'm leaving Northern Ireland and heading tooooooo....

Montrose! It's on the east coast of Scotland. hollllaaaa. I head there on Wednesday. Another accent to get used to... Man I'm gonna be talking funny when I get back to the states.

I'm stoked to go over seas again and serve the people in Montrose! I'll miss Lisburn but I know I'm meant to be in Scotland now.

Sister Skagen

P.S. Everyone should try sweet potato fries dipped in vanilla ice cream.

                                                  Pic - us just waaaaaaiting for moves call


  1. Hi i'm trying to get hold of sister Skagen i believe you may have lost something and like to make sure it gets back to you, please message me back asap so we can sort its return hope you get this message, sam
