Monday, January 26, 2015

It's baltic, so it is!

Baltic is a word they use for "cold" and this week definitely was B A L T I C.
Good thing I wore tights that weren't fleece lined on the coldest day. -___-

Last Monday our dinner appointment cancelled so we went out chapping. Let me just tell you that I am not a fan of scary movies. In fact, I'm a proper pansy. This moment was probably one of the scariest moments of my life.

We approach a house at 6:30pm that is completely dark, no lights, no car, blinds shut. We knock anyway because that's what you do as a missionary. We have a 3x rule. You ring the doorbell, chap the letter box and then you knock. So two of those down and Sister Crawley and I are chatting to ourselves when all of the sudden:


A small old woman with white hair appears from no where, literally no where (most people have curtains in front of their doors) and is s-c-r-e-e-c-h-i-n-g. Straight shrill voice.


Holy cow so frightening, mostly because we hadn't expected anyone to be home. Surprise.

Later in the week we met with Sean and he is legit! So ready for the gospel. The Lord does prepare people! We meet with him again this Tuesday.

So there was one night that we got to our flat about 3 minutes before we were to be inside. We decided to walk down to the petrol station and back. We met a man named Graham and within two minutes we had 2 other men all talking to us about the gospel! One of them left the discussion without us getting his contact info and since then we had prayed so hard every prayer to find him because he seemed so interested. The next day while in the library teaching our recent convert, a man sits down on the couch next to us.

JAWS DROPPED. It was the one who got away! We were in shock. He ended up not being interested but such a testimony that God hears and answers our prayers. hollaaaa

AND IT SNOWED. An inch! But it's way better than rain.

While walking home that night by the park, Sister Crawley and I are just minding our own business when something hits me in the back of the head. I turn around and this kid yells "CHUMP!" and runs away back to his little friends.

It was a snowball. Okay well like 1/8 of a snowball because the genius decides to throw it through a fence which took most of the impact.
I was raging though! How dare that little tween throw a snowball at me and then run away!!

I know why he ran though, it's obvious. He knows I'm from Pennsylvania and have had yeeeaars to perfect the art of snowball making, you don kno nuttin bout dis! Awe yeahh.

But. This week was great. Sister Crawley and I worked our tails off! We make a pretty good team. Although the majority of our appointments cancelled or didn't show, we were able to find loads of potentials and had plenty of opportunities to share our message.


Sister Skagen

                                                                 Holywood District!

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