Saturday, October 22, 2016

A Mission Tribute

Today marks the two-year anniversary of the day I entered the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah.

ME, OCTOBER 22, 2014:

It's surreal to think the MTC is less than a mile up the street from the flat I currently sit in.

Serving a mission is something I never expected to do but I would never take back my experiences.
I wanted to take a minute to pay tribute to my mission and it's role in making me who I am today. 

"Endure and Enjoy to the End"

seemed to be my personal theme of those 18 months. 
Missions are hard.
You stretch and grow. It's painful.
But you grow in the best ways.

I learned what hard work actually is.

It's "one more door, one more day."

It's continuing to knock on doors when you're soaked to the skin, doors slammed in your face and you can hardly move or feel your hands to knock on the next. 

It's getting up daily at 6:30am to study the scriptures so you are that much more prepared to share the beautiful plan of God to people who are searching for it.

It's standing up, chewing gum or pinching yourself while studying so you don't fall asleep. Just so you can help the people you come in contact with.

It's keeping your held high when others don't treat you like a human being. 

It's doing all you can everyday. Especially when you're sick, exhausted, frustrated and depressed.

I learned about obedience.

That obedience to God and His will should be our priority. 

That it's hard to give up temporary desires for something better in the future.

That obedience brings blessings but exact obedience brings miracles.

That it's about doing the right thing even when you are alone.

I learned about power.

That God's power surpasses all and He does everything because He loves us.

That when you're worthy and filled with His power and authority, "great things are brought to pass."

That our mind's are powerful. 

That we have the power to change. 

That taking leaps of faith when we're scared shows how powerful humans are.

I learned about culture.

That people do things differently, and that's okay.

That people want to share their traditions and how they live.

That taking time to learn about other people is essential.

That no matter where we live, we each decide who we are.

That no matter the circumstance, we are all children of that same Being who created us.

That everyone is beautiful. And everyone has a story. 

I learned about true joy.

It's living with our Heavenly Father and our Saviour Jesus Christ for eternity. 

It's seeing people change for the better.

It's improving yourself.

It's loving and serving those around you. 

It's when people show you acts of love even when you don't think you deserve it.

It's completing the work you're called to do. 

I learned about love.

That love drives everything.

That love is powerful.

That sometimes, we need to pray to love others.

That Scotland and Ireland have pieces of my heart.

That God loves every single person who has lived on this planet, lives now and will live.

We have everything we do because of love.

That we are never alone.

That the world needs more love and anyone who feels they can't change the world, can through love.

I can not adequately sum up what I learned in those 18 months but I can say that it changed me forever. I know that I am less than the dust of the earth but eternally grateful my Heavenly Father allowed me to have these continue becoming who I'm meant to. 

Even though any missionary will tell you how tough it is, ENJOYING to the end is important.
Find the little things that bring a smile to your face. Make your own laughter. 

Look to the beauties of the world around you, they are there to lift you up.  

So thank you missionary work for teaching me so much about life. I still miss being "Sister Skagen" but I know that "Sahara" can learn, change and improve every day, too.

"Where E'er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part"
Scotland/Ireland Mission

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Ultimate Guardian

I watched a movie this weekend called “The Guardian” and sobbed on multiple occasions. 

WARNING: Do not watch this movie if you are already emotional. 

This has been one of my favorite movies for while. However, this time, I came to realize that Jesus Christ is the ultimate, eternal guardian. 

He is always there.

Guardians defend, protect, keep and preserve-

“So others may live” - US Coast Guard Motto 

We learn in the scriptures that “there is none other name given under heaven save it be this Jesus Christ, of which I have spoken, whereby man can be saved.” - 2 Nephi 25:20

Our Savior’s sacrifice allows each one of us to be saved. Saved from our sins, our sorrows and our pain. He saves us when we feel like we can’t go on, when we lose faith, when we want to give up and when we aren’t strong enough. 

“I know where you're at,     insert name here     .”

Just as Ben Randall knew everything Jake was feeling in that moment, the Savior knows exactly what we feel wherever we are.

This is because Ben, like Christ, had been there before. 

Because the Savior felt everything "according to the flesh" (Alma 7:12) He can empathize with us. From a stubbed toe, to losing our way to the worst pains and sins possible, He has felt it. When we are overwhelmed by the fierce winds and waves, He can lift us from whatever darkness we have fallen into.

In these moments it's easy for those around us to encourage us to take council from Joseph Smith's experience in the Doctrine & Covenants section 121:7-8:

“My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;
“And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.”
While this is comforting, sometimes our trials are not over quickly. When will they end? 

I wish I could answer that question but I believe the key word is endure. We just need to keep going. 
Many times that's the only thing we have energy to do.

As we do our best (not anybody else's "best") to live the principles of the doctrine of Jesus Christ, we can overcome any circumstance because He is by our side. 

[Jake pulls a victim into the helicopter]
Drowning Victim: Where is he?
Jake Fischer: Huh? There's nobody else out there, man.
Drowning Victim: No, he was there! He was with me the whole time! He said he would hold on till help arrived. He never let go!

Whether we notice him or not, our Savior is there. 
The whole time.
Strengthening us and giving us peace, just as He helped Joseph Smith.
None of us are exempt from His power.

He will hold onto us until we can swim on our own. 

He will never let go. 

He will always be there.


Monday, April 4, 2016

The hardest thing

"The hardest thing I've ever loved to do, is getting on this plane and coming back to you.
In a million ways completely torn apart, but a land so far away still owns my heart."
- Nashville Tribute Band

I will forever be grateful for my experience representing my Saviour Jesus Christ. 

It's been the hardest, - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually - yet most rewarding thing I've ever done.

It's bitter-sweet to leave! I've learned so much, grown so much and have seen many miracles along the way, but I know there is still much to do..just in a different part of the world :)

This gospel has brought me more happiness than I've ever known! I'm grateful for my knowledge and testimony.

God loves us so much.
He's given us the Book of Mormon to show again this great love. 
It is the word of God and we can get nearest to Him when we read it. 
Jesus is the Christ.Through His Atonement, we can change. 
All that is unfair in this life will be made up in the next because of Him.
Our Saviour lives!
These things I know and believe to be true, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Sister Sahara Skagen
Scotland/Ireland Mission
October 2014 - April 2016

I won't be e-mailing next Monday but I will see you all soon :)

Monday, March 28, 2016

You can't spray it in here!

We got super good burritos at a market this week. SO GOOD.
Who would ever thought I would say that I'm dying for some good mexican food?

Had a conference in Limerick where I gave my outgoing testimony. ðŸ˜¥

Have I told you how much I love my Mission President? So much. Him and his wife are amazing!

Sister Buhler got the flu this week :(

[we text the elders to tell them we aren't going to our meeting because of sickness]
Elders call : "Is there anything we can do for you?"
Sisters: "We neeeeed Diet Coke. We are all out!" 
                         Elders bring 23 cans of it.
Sisters: ðŸ˜µðŸ˜‚

 [Sister Buhler is sleeping and I come in to check on her]
Sister Skagen (S): "Sister Buhler how are you feeling?"
Sister Buhler (B): "You can't spray it in here!"
S: "Spray what? The perfume stuff?"
B: "Yeah! mumblemumblemumble GROSS!"
S: "I can't spray it in here because it'll get all gross?"
B: "Yeah!"
S: "Okay I won't do it."
B: "mumblemumble Already did!"
S: "I did?"
B: "Yeah! "
S: "Oh I'm sorry, I won't do it again. At least it smells good?"
B: "It doesn't smell good!!! "

My companion sleep talks so much. It is the funniest thing ever. I'm going to try to get an actual recording of it hahahah.

We went inside some Catholic churches (there is one on just about every corner). Doctrine-wise there are some things I don't understand...offering money for souls in purgatory, paying to pray to specific saints and rosary beads among other things. More questions will be asked.
Although the Catholic buildings are so gorgeous and elaborate, I'm grateful for our simple buildings and the spirit that I feel when I'm there.

I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to learn so much here and serve these wonderful people!

Sister Skagen

4 sister night in Limerick!

Sister Buhler and I 

Diet Coke

Easter with the Obode children (yes I'm wearing a grandma/curtain skirt.. it's Sister Buhlers ahahah)

Monday, March 21, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Hope everyone's St. Patricks Day was good! Apart from the parade, most people don't actually wear green. American's just make it a big deal haha :)

We weren't allowed to go into the city or anything for safety reasons so we made cookies and "sneakily" ding dong ditched them.

Apparently I am not a good "sneaker." 

OKAY. It's not my fault people hang out by their windows and I'm not very fast in a skirt soo... but it was so fun and the members loved it.

We went chalking and did a True or False about the Mormons. 


We typed up all the crazy things people have asked us and asked them to people on the streets.

True or False
- can't wear red.
- can't kiss til they're married
- have horns
- have multiple wives
- don't believe in magnets
- have to take dad/brother with them on a date

and so on. (Those are all false by the way).

It was good for people to see that we really are normal!

Something I learned more fully this week about the Atonement was that Christ suffered just as we do. He literally suffered/experienced the same thing that we do. It wasn't any less because of who He was, it wasn't made any easier for Him. The same heart breaks, pain, guilt, sickness, and all else, He has felt. He has endured so that He can help us when we experience it. How much love He and our Heavenly Father have for us!

I am so grateful for this knowledge. I'm grateful I can serve and teach and wear Christ's name every day. Til the work is done!

Sister Skagen

Monday, March 14, 2016

What Didn't Go Wrong...?

Probably one of the craziest weeks of my mission.

Our washer = full of water after the dry cycle. 
Sisters = "We have got to get the water out."
Sisters = try to drain it using the drain whole about the size of a quarter.
Drain = won't allow sisters to screw stopper back in

Door = bang bang bang!
Sisters = o___O  ?!?!? 
Sisters = Trying to deal with massive amounts of water flooding our house AND freaking out because of previous experience of creepy people at our door

Sisters = Call Elders
Elders = come speedy quick and half without shoes on
Our Polish neighbors just about broke our door down because their house was raining...

We are good tenants, promise!

May or may not have flushed our phone down the toilet. 
Either that or some youths stole it.
Can't be sure.

We were nearly mooned.

Patrick is awesome, came to church AND he drew a little ghost in the margins of the Book of Mormon where it talks about the Holy Ghost. So cute!

5. Super size Diet Coke at BK.
Basically, It was super crazy.

I love mission life. 

Sister Skagen

"Choose eternal life as your highest priority, and notice how other choices fall into place."
 - President Russell M. Nelson

Monday, March 7, 2016

Hip Cramps Are Real

We went to West Cork again and visited some friends. They are so great but they live so far so they don't get a whole lot of interaction with church members. But they are amazing people!

AH. I feel like nothing funny happened but I know that there is laughter in each and every day. 

Oh! Our photo in the car was quite funny. It was literally the smallest car I have ever been in.
And it was so full! Things on our laps, by our feet, behind our heads. 

I legitimately had a hip cramp from two hour ride. 

We had a District Conference in Limerick and it was so good.
Something that was said was this:

"He has no hands but ours."

We are responsible for spreading the message of Jesus Christ. To love, live and serve as He did. That is our duty! He can only use us if we are willing. 

"When obedience ceases to be an irritant, but becomes our quest, that's when God endows us with power."

I have witnessed this! I have a testimony that we are powerful and we are happier when we follow the commandments of God. It is true! I know it. 
I am grateful to represent Him and serve the people of Scotland and Ireland. 

Sister Skagen